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Swain County Temporary Food Establishment Vendor Application

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Time:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
*Proposed Time for Pre-Opening Inspection:

**This will be determined by the Swain County Health Department and Event Coordinator
Owner/Operator Name:(Required)
Owner/Operator Address:(Required)

For Environmental Health Section Use

Permit Required
Permit is not required - exempt under GS 13A-250(7) or food items not regulated under 15A NCACC 18A. 2600

Type of Setup:(Required)
Hand Washing:(Required)
Utensil Washing:(Required)
Water Source:(Required)
Wastewater Disposal:(Required)
Garbage Disposal:(Required)
Will all foods/beverages be prepared at event?(Required)
If no, attach a letter signed by the owner of the permitted establishment listing each menu item that will be prepared by the establishment. Owner must include contact information. Domestic kitchens shall not be used.
Ex: Hamburgers
Ex: Frozen patties from Sam's by cooler w/ ice
Ex: Transfer from cooler to grill
Ex: Hold in Crock Pot w/ Broth
Ex: Gas grill w/ steam table

*Any foods requiring preparation prior to the evdent must be approved and permitted by the Swain County Department of Public Health and event coordinator. (i.e. BBQ, dough for fry bread) Any foods prepared without permission from the department will be discarded. Food booth must be completly set up prior to permitting.

Equipment Layout Diagram:

Please provide a layout of the proposed set-up including all equipment used for cooking, hot holding, cold holding, hand-washing facilities, work tables, utensil washing facilities, etc. *Application will be returned if this section is not filled out completely
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

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